PickTheBrain.com is a website dedicated to self improvement by focusing on increasing productivity, researching motivation, explaining positive psychology and encouraging self education. I rather like it. From the person who never got around to reading that book on how to stop procrastination (seriously, I had it for year and never read it, I finally had to give it away) PickTheBrain offers a nifty little
blog with distilled wisdom in small bites. Recent articles include
14 Ways to Procrastinate Productively (one of my favorites), "
How to Grow the Action Habit", which focuses on habits you should cultivate in order to put ideas into action and "
21 Proven Motivation Tactics", which I wish I'd read when I was Drum Major of the marching band in High School but is still a winner for those of us in leadership and managerial positions. Next time you need a distraction, waste a little time browsing at PickTheBrain. You won't feel so guilty when you pick up tidbits on how to get things done.
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