Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Manly Drinks

Don't be deceived by the title of this article. "Manly Drinks" isn't a list of imbibements that will quickly get interns drunk, or a list of blue-hued atrocities shot at bachelor parties with bad ass names like Zombie, Cement Mixer or Mind Eraser. It is a list of classics. The drinks of wise, confident men and, in my opinion, the drinks of those women in the drop waist twenties dresses with a feather and a few spangles in their hair, the kohl on their eyelids, listening to the Billie Holiday in tiny but well appointed apartments with the red glasses from dime stores in a pretty cabinet and a bottle of rye under their beds.

It's a cute but succinct article from Campus Squeeze, which caters mostly to males but could benefit from the instruction of some of those women afore mentioned. Any one of these drinks could be your never fail fall back upon entering a dive bar or for when the liquor cabinet is at a strain, whether your male or female.

0 sugar rushes:

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