Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Who can resist a box of contents?

We all have junk drawers, full of bits and bobbits just waiting to be made useful.  Their lonely vigil may be coming to an end, thanks to the friendly geniuses at Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories.  Their current project is a glorious mash-up of meme, chain letter, flea market, and Christmas - The Great Internet Migratory Box of Electronics Junk.

... a progressive lending library of electronic components. An internet meme in physical form halfway between P2P zip-archive sharing and a flea market. It arrives full of wonderful (and possibly useless) components, but you will surely find some treasures to keep. You will be inspired look through your own piles, such as they are, and find more mysterious components that clearly need to be donated to the box before it is passed on again.

You can start your own box, or add your name to the TGIMBOEJ wiki for consideration.  Make your case - only the worthy will be chosen.

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